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Setup local development environment with DDEV

Installation of Docker, Docker composer, and DDEV local on Linux machine

This section is related to the Linux installation. For Windows, you can check the following tutorial Installation DDEV on Windows.

First, you need to install Docker and Docker composer (for Ubuntu 20.04+ you can use the following commands)

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install docker-compose

For another OS please check the DDEV official documentation 

And after that to install Ddev local

apt-get install ddev

You also need to install node (check on the node site for the installation process for your system) and gulp.

npm install --global gulp-cli

Setup local environment

In this section, we will explain how to set up an already pre-configured Drupal base (we will use our Drupal configuration).

Sakiland Org Drupal configuration is based on Drupal minimal profile with already installed and configured some Drupal contributed modules. You can find it on the Bitbucket public repo.
You can use this project as the start point and then you can upgrade modules and Drupal core in a regular way, and you will not be dependent on the starter configuration and maintenance progress of this project has no influence on your project. This is the main difference compared to Drupal's distributions.

First clone the git repo into your local machine:

git clone

and start your project via Ddev and install composer and node dependencies

cd drupal;
ddev start;
ddev composer install;
npm install;

Now you can access your local site on the link

First time Drupal installation

If you initially set up the site, you need to complete the Drupal installation process (you can check Installing Drupal from existing configuration)

Import existing database

There is also an option to import already exiting database and files.

Sakilad Org Drupal project contains gulp useful commands for export database and files in order to share them between developers.

gulp export-database;
gulp export-files;

Database and files (sites/default/files directory) are exported into /bk directory, so you can push them to the git repository and share with other develpers.

Other develpor can import existing database and files with one gulp command

gulp deploy-locally;


Submitted by Sasa Jovanovic on Wed, 09/01/2021 - 12:01