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Installing Drupal from existing configuration

Prerequisites: You need to install and setup Ddev local, please check Setup local development environment with DDEV

In this tutorial, I will explain how to install Drupal from the existing configuration (in another tutorial I will explain how to create your own configuration from the scratch)

Drupal introduced this functionality in version 8.6.0 - Installing Drupal from configuration (only certain profiles)

For this purpose I will use already preconfigured Drupal from Sakiland Org public git repository.

git clone;

cd drupal;
ddev start;
ddev composer install;
npm install;

Now you can access your local site on the link

Choose appropriate language

Drupal installation choose language

 Choose Use existing configuration and Save and continue

Drupal installation choose profile

Configure your site with admin username, password and email address, and click on Save and continue

Drupal installation configure site

 Now your site is ready

Drupal installation completed
Submitted by Sasa Jovanovic on Thu, 09/09/2021 - 17:45